Can Pregnant Women Eat Cheetos?

Can Pregnant Women Eat Cheetos?Everyone knows about the unusual things that many women crave while pregnant. (If you read our...
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Can Pregnant Women Eat Ranch Dressing?

You’re pregnant. The world has changed; your life has shifted. You’re two people now instead of one, carrying a growing...
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Considering an Abortion? Here’s the Info You Need

Are you pregnant? Do you think you may be pregnant? If so, you may find yourself wondering what your options...
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3 Things You Need To Know Before Getting An Abortion

Critical Things to Know Before Scheduling an AbortionAt GMPC Medical, we know it’s your life that will be impacted by...
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Pregnancy Symptoms

Schedule an Appointment Answer these questions to help determine whether or not you may be pregnant.Have you been experiencing bodily...
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Boyfriend Wants Abortion

Help! My boyfriend wants me to get an abortion! When I discovered my unplanned pregnancy, I went through all the...
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Does Abortion Affect Fertility?

Maybe you don’t feel ready to be pregnant right now, but you’d like to be in the future. Perhaps you’re...
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What is the Abortion Pill?

An unplanned pregnancy can rip the rug out from under you. It can be easy to make a snap decision...
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How Does Plan B Affect Your Body?

If you’re sexually active, there’s always a chance you could get pregnant, even if you’re using protection. Perhaps you’re considering...
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Can You Drink While Pregnant?

It can happen to anyone. Maybe you weren’t trying to get pregnant, but now you’ve skipped a period and you...
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Why You Need an Ultrasound Before Abortion in Georgia

An unplanned pregnancy can send anyone into a panic. We know how overwhelming it can be, but don’t let fear...
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Blood vs. Urine Pregnancy Tests: What’s the Difference?

If you’ve missed a period, the one thing you need to know is whether or not you’re pregnant. When you...
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